Everyone is struggling with something, but if we help each other we can always overcome — together.

#TAPinNOW was created to help others, just as Tanner did everyday.
After his death in July 2017, a tremendous number of people shared stories about how he helped and encouraged those around him. For many that were close to Tanner, he was known as T.A.P. (Tanner Alexander Poeschel). TAPinNOW captures the spirit and essence of Tanner Poeschel, who possessed an innate ability to empathize with friends and strangers alike. He dispensed friendship and compassion at every turn.
From big ways to small, he encouraged others to have faith, “tap in” to their own strengths, and never give up – all while donating his time and energy to help. As we all know, time is the most precious gift that you can share. We want to honor Tanner by helping others and encouraging people to give time to help those in need.
How can you #TAPinNOW?
There are countless ways that you can help those around you, it starts just by doing.
Start Small
You were given two ears and one mouth. Just listen more than you talk. You never know what listening to someone can do for them.
Start Small
Listen, don’t judge, and provide good feedback. The world is full of negativity; by being positive, you can impact true change.
Join the Journey
Whether someone is dealing with illness, poverty, financial difficulties, or other life challenges — ask how you can help.
Join The Journey
For people dealing with tough issues like chronic illness or mental health challenges, having someone along for the ride can mean the world to them. They won’t ask for help, but they need it. Being there on a daily basis for them can be game changing.
Do Something Bigger
Our communities and the people living in them constantly need help. Be a part of the solution.
Be There For Your Community
We hear about people pitching in during times of natural disasters on a regular basis. What we do not hear enough is how friends join together to lend a hand to neighbors, senior citizens, the homeless, and disadvantaged children in our communities. No matter where you live, your community needs you.

Tell Your Story
The hope is that when people share how they have helped others, it will inspire more to TAP in NOW. Tell your story on social media – how someone helped you or how you helped someone in a meaningful way. Share your story by clicking on #TAPinNOW
#TAPinNOW, when others tap out!
He dispensed compassion at every turn — now it’s your turn.